This point was proven yet again that night when they asked if we would drive their car to Ban Rai, a town about 45 minutes away (slightly uphill most of the way!) as they were riding their bikes there! So Saturday morning they dropped off their car at our place, and set off on their bicycle journey. It was a HOT day and Graham and I both secretly thought they were a little crazy, and by crazy I mean crazy kool! Being the rock stars that they are, they made the journey in just about 3 hours, we thought it was going to take them 7! We pulled up to the city a few minutes after they had arrived at their final destination. We realized we had forgotten to get their dog! and felt like the biggest idiots ever, sorry again guys!
We headed to this fancy hotel called Avatar, a place Graham and I have been wanting to stay since we first heard about it, and James and Tagan (who are collectively known as Jaman, pronounced like "jammin'" they wanted to be as cool as Gramalie) and Jaman surprised us by getting Graham and I a room! Sort of as a good-bye present! Graham and I were so surprised and thankful, thanks again Jaman!
Over the next 24 hours we only left the hotel, aka Heaven, for one very important reason. CHOCOLATE AND ICE CREAM. Tagan and I went crazy in 7-11, we wanted to make sure we were adequately satiated after our enormous, delicious room-service dinner on our private balcony overlooking jungled mountains was finished.
The next day we rode bikes to the gorgeous temple close by and checked out the view and the gardens, and had a fun ride through the countryside. James snapped some amazing pictures of our adventure, he is a very talented photographer, and Graham's, Tagan's and my modeling talents weren't bad either, haha. Aside from that big adventure, we hung out at the hotel and in the pool for the entire day, until the sun set behind the mountains and dusk was settling in. It was so sad to leave, it had really been a magical weekend that we appreciated and enjoyed so much. The ride home in the truck was fun though, and we got a good street-side dinner and said goodbye to Jaman for only a day or so :)
It was the perfect way to spend our last weekend in the area. Thanks again, Jaman, for an unforgettable time!
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