Click on this picture to see our whole photo album. The pictures are a bit repetitive, but show the craziness of what we did pretty well:)
Ha! How is that for an exciting title?? Anxious to hear how we nearly (okay, not really at all, but it felt like it!) met our end? We went canyoning! What in the world is canyoning you might ask; well, it it when you follow a river down through a canyon, by hiking, sliding down natural water slides, or abseiling down a cliff or waterfall. With our budget, we haven't done many/any organized tours/adventure outings (save for that exciting trip down the Mekong River in tubes that went 1/4 a mile an hour! haha) and we decided that needed to change when we went to Dalat, a beautiful mountain city in Vietnam. Dalat is famous for its adventure activities, and canyoning was something that neither of us had done and I had wanted to do for years, ever since I went to Interlaken in Switzerland and met a number of people who had done it there. Anyways, we decided on canyoning since it seemed new and exciting. The only problem was that neither of us were warned about how scary it is, what an adrenaline rush it would cause!
Now, I was a gymnast when I was younger, and I ride and jump horses, climbed Half Dome in Yosemite, and went sky diving no problem-o. So, I consider myself somewhat gutsy, but canyoning made me feel like a total wimp! After just the first abseil, the completely dry warm-up where we walked/jumped down a cliff with a couple ropes and a harness holding us, my heart was pumping and I felt a little shaky with adrenaline. Floating down the river was no problem, just watch out for submerged rocks, but then we got to the water slide and it was huge and filled with rushing water! Graham went down it without a second thought, but it took a bit of convincing to get me to go. After a minute I did as the two (AWESOME!) leaders told me to and held the back of my helmeted head (see incredibly dorky pictures!) and my nose and slipped down to my utter delight. After a couple more rounds, I even went down backwards-again, Graham did this without a thought but it was especially scary for me! Needless to say it was wonderfully fun, but again, much scarier than even skydiving was!
Next on the itinerary was yet another beautiful hike through the canyon, to a cliff jump. There were 2 levels you could jump from, the higher was about 12 meters and the lower was about 8 meters. The higer one alse required you to run and leap out far to not hit the ledge, which jutted out a bit. Graham was super brave and ran at the cliff and leaped out. I literally had to close my eyes while he did it. I was happy to jump from the lower point, it still was really high and each time offered just enough fright/excitement for me, but I was the only person in the group who didn't jump from the higher cliff! Even the other 2 girls did the higher jump. My ego was a bit damaged, but I was still proud that I even did anything!
The last stop was the "washing machine." Supposedly the waterfall abseil was the challenge, and the washing machine abseil was easy, but it was almost scarier for me! The first bit was easy, just let yourself down slowly, but then you start getting pounded by the waterfall, and you start swirling (hence the name of the site) and you have to keep letting yourself down, allowing yourself to get pummeled harder and harder, until you hit the bottom of the fall, and get swirled around, hoping you will pop above water soon to get a breath for a few moments before you see the light and thankfully are finished with the overwhelming exciting and scary-as-you-know-what adventure.
We are now in Nha Trang, a city in Vietnam known for its diving, and we decided last night that we wanted to get our advanced open water diving certification. We did our first 2 dives today and they were both awesome. The visibility (or viz as divers say) wasn't as good as in Koh Tao, Thailand, but the corals were just so colorful, and the fish were very different. We stopped at a shrimp "cleaning station" where fish go to get cleaned by shrimp, and our guide opened his mouth and a shrimp hopped in and started cleaning his teeth! So ridiculously cool! Then I put my hand out and a shrimp hopped on and started looking around at where to even start :) It was amazing though. We also did some training to work on our buoyancy and skills that we will need to be able to dive without a guide. We also saw huge schools of fish and corals unlike any I have seen. We have 4 more dives over the next 2 days, tomorrow is our deep water dive. We both just love the feeling of being buoyant underwater, and exploring a world where the creatures and physics are so different from the one we know. It is like "Grahamalie in Wonderland" Ah-that would have been a good blog title too. Shucks.
And with that, I am headed to the beach! Gonna wake up Graham from his peaceful nap first :)
Love to you all, and we will say hi to the mermaids for you. If you don't hear from us soon, we'll swim over to the US sometime soon and say "sup"
Natalie and Graham
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